Here are some links to studies showing the efficacy of the Alexander Technique
with kind permission from Robert Rickover. You can find a link to his page here.
Randomised controlled trial of Alexander Technique lessons, exercise, and massage (ATEAM) for chronic and recurrent back pain – In conclusion, this large scale study sponsored by the National Health Service shows that lessons in the Alexander Technique led to considerably and enduringly reduced pain and incapacity and improved quality of life in individuals with chronic or recurrent back pain.
Benefits of Alexander Technique lessons for sufferers of chronic pain – positive results found in this University of Bristol study
Studies by Dr. Tim Caccitore at the Oregon Health and Science University and University College London Institute of Neurology can be found here:
The Role of Postural Reflexes in Health and Well-Being by Gerald Foley (PDF)
The Alexander Technique and Parkinson’s Disease: A Case Study in Generating Hope for a Degenerative Condition – Podcast Interview with the author of the study
Evaluating the Role of the Alexander Technique in Exercise Participation for Cancer Survivor
An excellent resource for more research can be found at Robert Rickover's site here:
Robert also has an excellent podcast and is an advocate for the Alexander Technique community.