We receive, collect and store any information you enter on our website or provide us in any other way. In addition, we collect the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet; login; e-mail address; password; computer and connection information and purchase history.
Cookies are used on this website to make the site easier to use and to track the traffic patterns of visitors. We are operating an ‘implied consent’ policy which means that we assume you are happy with this usage. If you are not happy with this, then you should adjust your web browser settings to disallow cookies.
Personal Data
As part of providing a service of Alexander Technique lessons, Client Data including personal contact details and some brief notes are stored for reference. All data records are maintained in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
Please note the following points of the Privacy Policy for clients having Alexander Technique lessons:
Information stored: Information stored includes name, address, phone and email addresses, brief notes on relevant health issues, history of treatments or previous Alexander Technique lessons, and source of their referral.
Use of Data: Contact details are needed in case of emergency, or for changing/confirming appointment times as necessary. Health notes are for reference only. Data is not shared with any other individual, consultant or organisation without express permission of the individual. Analytics are not generally conducted.
Right of access: Individuals can ask for a copy of the personal data retained about them and an explanation of how it is being used.
Right to rectification: Individuals have the right to correct, revise or remove any of the personal data retained about them at any time.
Right to be forgotten: Individuals can ask to delete their personal data.
Right to restrict processing: If an individual believes, for example, that their personal data is inaccurate or collected unlawfully, the individual may request limited use of their personal data.
Right of portability: Individuals have the right to receive their personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. All Data on an individual can be requested for inspection and will be provided within 40 days.
Right to object: Where an individual decides that they no longer wish to allow their personal data to be included in analytics or other personalised (targeted) marketing content at any time, the individual may opt out of use of their data for these purposes. However it should be noted that Andrea Hughes does not as a rule use direct marketing.
Duration of data records: Data is generally stored for a period of 8 years, or as long as the client is attending Alexander Technique lessons.
Any questions not answered by the above or if further clarification is required, please write to Andrea Hughes directly at